Discussion: Blogger Burnout

Hi everyone! Today’s discussion post is part of a larger conversation that has been going on in my head and relates a bit to the discussions that have been happening in the book community as a whole. This particular topic can easily become something completely different, so I think this will be part of a larger group of discussions on book blogging in general and my thoughts and feelings these days.

Writer’s Block & Motivation

Okay so, blogger burnout. For me specifically, I’ve been really struggling with my content and what I want to write next. As I write this, I’ve got 63 drafts just sitting there, half finished or not even started because I get an idea but then have almost zero motivation to actually write the damn thing. Add in the pressure that I know if I’m not consistent with my content, my engagement will drop. And let’s all be honest with each other here – engagement is a HUGE reason for us to keep going, no matter how many people claim that numbers don’t matter. Would I still be blogging 3 years after I started if no one but my family was reading what I was putting out there? Absolutely not.

The Times, They Are A Changin’

In the wider book community, the focus seems to be shifting a lot more towards other forms of blogging such as tik tok (or booktok, if you will). Bloggers have always struggled to be seen when put next to BookTubers and Bookstagrammers, who are much more visible and get more views and interactions. Because of all this, bloggers aren’t being treated very fairly within the publishing industry. If you haven’t been on Book Twitter, then you will have missed the discourse about how people interact with blogs and bloggers, with the largest part of that discussion centering around payment for our work, which is a whole discussion in itself. 

Maybe it’s because I’m more in touch with publishing now than I was when I started blogging, but it definitely appears like publishers are more inclined to work with people who use these other mediums because their engagement is better than a book blogger. This is something that is certainly having an impact on my drive to write blog posts and its definitely a little upsetting to not be appreciated, especially when the majority of us do this as a hobby and not a full time job because we love to read and talk about books. 

Feeling a disconnect

This is probably somewhat my fault, but even three years into blogging, I still don’t feel like I’ve found my group of people. I read mainly fantasy, but I don’t feel like I’m truly a part of the SFF community. Maybe this is partially impostor syndrome and feeling like because I haven’t read all the popular fantasy books I don’t really belong, or maybe it’s because my engagement with the rest of the community is lacking. I know plenty of people who have groups where they talk about the books they’re reading and can talk spoilers, but I haven’t had any of that. I know that I don’t make friends easily, but after 3 years you would think that I would’ve found someone that I can talk to not just about book stuff. No matter what the reason is, I feel like I sit on the outside of the community.

Blogging is a lot of pressure

I’ve talked about this before, but there’s a lot of pressure once you’ve started blogging to keep at it, be consistent, and have good quality content. A lot of this pressure comes from ourselves, and for me that’s definitely the case. I put myself under a lot of pressure to continue to better myself and my blog.  Add in the fact that blogging is a time-consuming hobby that I do in addition to a full-time job, other hobbies, and actually reading the books that I blog about, it takes a lot out of you. In the three years I’ve been blogging I’ve never taken a break longer than a week or two because I’m afraid about being forgotten if I’m gone for longer than that.

So basically, I’m tired. I personally haven’t experienced some of the things other, larger bloggers have encountered, but even just seeing these things happen is difficult. Combine that with a lack of motivation to write and not really feeling like a part of the community and I’ve just been feeling so burnt out. I know there will be people who say maybe it’s time to take a break from blogging, and while that seems like the most logical thing to do, I don’t want to because I still love blogging, it’s just hard right now to find that motivation.

Related: Reading Slumps & Pressure to Read | Blogging Breaks and the Fear of Being Forgotten

How do you get through burnout? Do you take a break? Push through it? Or maybe you take a stab at different content? I’d truly love to know!





22 responses to “Discussion: Blogger Burnout”

  1. Tessa Avatar

    Blogging is a lot of pressure. Sometimes, I look at bookstagrammers and think they don’t put in half the effort that bloggers do, though I’m sure they would disagree. I use many different mediums with the blog being my base. It’s okay to take a break, though. Or maybe even try other mediums. There is no wrong move ❤️

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    1. Katie @ Melting Pages Avatar

      I also have a bookstagram, and it’s definitely just as much work! I think anytime you put yourself in the role of content creator it puts a lot of pressure on you, even if it’s something that you start out just doing for yourself.

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  2. Jess @ beyondthefrontcover Avatar

    I agree with so much of what you said, even with blogging being a hobby it is so much work! The last time that the pressure got to me I decided to reduce my posting down to once a week. I did this thinking that it would be a temporary change but it’s gone on for longer than I thought it would, but that’s okay because it has given me more time for reading. I would say do whatever works for you, and try not to pay attention to what anybody else might be doing 😊

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    1. Katie @ Melting Pages Avatar

      Thank you! I’ve thought about lowering the number of posts I do in a week, but I’ve been trying to do three days a week for so long that I don’t know if I can do it 😂 if I miss a day or two though I don’t worry about it too much.

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  3. thecritiquesofafangirl Avatar

    I totally understand what you are feeling because most of the time I feel the same way
    With the shift towards booktok I feel like no matter how hard I try I will never be good enough because there is a faster and quicker medium to consume that publishers rather work with than hardworking bloggers, and I don’t mean to shade anyone, I know it takes time to create tiktok videos but it also takes time to create blogs and it sucks that most of us are so under appreciated
    Also I totally get the feeling of not meeting your people, I have been blogging for a little over 3 years as well and I have made some amazing friends but haven’t found a group of people who I connect with

    Usually a break is what helps me move on from a burnout and also talking to either my blogger friends or IRL friends helps, if you ever wanna talk to out my DMs are always open 💛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Katie @ Melting Pages Avatar

      Thank you! I definitely would say that you’re one of the people that I interact with the most, and I really appreciate that ❤. I wish so badly that I could continue to say that I blog for myself and my own enjoyment, but at some point it becomes much more than that and it isn’t just about you anymore, you know?

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      1. thecritiquesofafangirl Avatar

        I do know, it feels like you are trying to prove yourself to someone or something that you don’t understand or isn’t even there. What helps me the most in those times is stepping back

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  5. Leyanis @ thebloggerandthegeek Avatar

    I do feel bloggers will always be treated differently and will never be on the same level as booktube, booktwitter, booktok, etc. I do think is unfair, just because we have a different way to reach readers it doesn’t mean we are less than those who use other platforms. I personally don’t care for other social media platforms and I’m not especially active anywhere else. The blogging community is what I enjoy the most. I feel the blogging community is more open and accepting than other communities so I’m always coming back to bogging 🙂 right now tho, I’m in a bit of a break from blogging in general.

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    1. Katie @ Melting Pages Avatar

      I agree with all of that! I’ve tried running a BookTube channel, and it’s not my cup of tea. I’d much rather be behind the screen than in front of it!

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  6. Shannen | Rekindled Bibliophile Avatar

    This is an interesting post and topic for discussion. Thanks for your honesty about the struggles of being a book blogger and burnout.

    I’m still a fairly new blogger (I created my blog in January this year), but surprisingly I’m ALREADY experiencing some of these things 😩

    My engagement is low, which is what I’d expect when I’m still so new, but it can be disheartening when I spend up to 10 hours planning and writing a post for it to get a couple of likes. Personally, I try to focus less on numbers and more on ME and what I’M getting from the blog. If I enjoy writing a post, it doesn’t matter how much engagement it gets because it was fun for me and I’m proud of it. I created my blog for myself and my enjoyment of books, so I try to focus on doing what I want to do, writing the posts I care about and feel passionate about even if I know they won’t necessarily be that popular or widely read in the community.

    I think a lot of pressure comes from the competition. The book community is generally supportive and friendly, but the reality is that everyone is competing against each other. Everyone wants their blog to stand out and to draw more readers. And like you mentioned, competing with more accessible and digestible mediums like TikTok, YouTube etc. creates more challenges. It’s frustrating for me personally because it feels like those of us that aren’t confident in front of a camera are penalised and not given the same opportunity for our content to be seen and our voices heard as people on other platforms.

    I also think that for people like yourself that are blogging alongside working, it’s VERY difficult. You’re coming up against bloggers that are full-time booktubers, bookstagrammers, bloggers etc. and when you have limited time to create content it’s really difficult.

    My honest advice is, be realistic with how often you post. I post twice a week and just about manage that with studying part time and working part time, so I’d say that 3 times is maybe a little too much considering you work full time. Don’t be afraid to drop that down. The people that love your blog will stay with you no matter what and you don’t owe anyone anything! You need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Once you feel less pressured and stressed, you’ll probably find that your inspiration for posts returns. I often find that pressure creates a massive writing block for me.

    Good luck! ❤️

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    1. Katie @ Melting Pages Avatar

      Thank you! I’ve definitely considered dropping down to two posts a week, but at this point it’s more of a “post whenever I can” kind of thing 😂

      Startingcoff which a new blog can be pretty discouraging, but what I found that helped the most was making a Twitter account to share my blog posts on then following other bloggers!

      I’ve also tried a booktube channel before, and it’s definitely not for me since I was having a hard time seeing myself on camera so I totally get not wanting to be in front of the camera!

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  7. readingbythemoonlight Avatar

    I’ve felt the burnout before in regards to blogging. I think, for me, it stems from being worried that you’re not posting enough/posting too much or your content isn’t engaging fo people. Worrying sucks the fun out of blogging! I really love writing about things I love, whether that’s books or not and would definitely recommend trying to write about different content. Otherwise, it’s helpful to take a break and do a massive brainstorm of content ideas; try to find inspiration anywhere 🙂 I really hope this burnout passes for you x

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    1. Katie @ Melting Pages Avatar

      Thank you! I like the idea of brainstorming content, I might need to take a minute to do that and collect myself.

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  8. Stephen Writes Avatar

    This is a brilliant post, Katie. Book blogging is a lot of pressure and takes time. I used to do three posts per week and that was hard to sustain so I lowered it down to two. It does seem unfair that book bloggers are more marginalised compared to those on other mediums. I don’t know anything about TikTok haha. My feeling is that you should do what works best for you 😊

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    1. Meltingpages Avatar

      Thank you! It’s just really disheartening to feel under appreciated by the publishing industry as a whole. It’s a shame that all the hard work bloggers do is overlooked by more visual mediums, even though it’s great for the ones who are able to commit to YouTube, tick too, or instagram! And while I say I do three posts a week, it’s really more like whenever I have content 😂

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  9. Monthly Wrap-Up – March 2021 – Stephen Writes Avatar

    […] Katie discussed book blogging burnout in a very honest and detailed post. […]


  10. […] post that I LOVED last month was Katie @Melting Pages discussion about blogger burnout. I am no stranger to a creative burnout and at times blogging can […]


  11. Alienor @ a fox's wanderings Avatar

    This post is so heartfelt, I love it 💕 I definitely can relate to everything you mention, and as much as I love blogging, I had to take a 3-years hiatus because it was too much, you know? I missed it a lot however so now I’m trying to find a balance… Not always easy, but *finger crossed*

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    1. Meltingpages Avatar

      Thank you! I would miss blogging so much if I took a break! Finding a balance is hard, especially when you just want to do everything and there aren’t enough hours in the day! Sometimes I wish I chose a less time consuming thing to blog about 😂

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  12. Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag 2021 – Melting Pages Avatar

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